Tuesday 14 June 2011

It's shopping day again!

This time I'm putting my list on here first!

Yeast - breadmaker
Toilet paper
Golden syrup
Labels if I can see some for my new container system
Oat milk
Wholemeal Flour

Lets see how well I do sticking to it...I've probably forgotten stuff anyway!

Friday 10 June 2011


We had the best dinner tonight!!

Chicken vegetable stirfry on rice.

Plus I think I understand the raw food movement now. I tried swede raw only because I read somewhere that someone ate turnip raw cause they lived in the Sth Island, so I thought I'd try the swede...it tastes nutty & is really really nice! Gave some to Miss A raw & she agreed they tasted like peanut butter! So of course after avoiding it for a long while scoffed it!

Our stirfry had vege's all from the fridge that I bought ages ago. Chop them all into roughly the same size pieces.
Spring Onion & Leek
Green & Red cabbage

What we did - Cooked chicken separately with oil & garlic, knowing hubby that would be a fair amount of garlic!
Put the chicken on the side or into of the rice maker which was staying warm. Use same pan to stirfry the hard veges, first until just tender & then add the leafy stuff. Cook & serve :) YUMMO


This was my lunch yesterday....jealous much?

1 cup S/R flour or flour with baking powder added
1 egg
1 cup of milk or milk subsitute


These were done in a small frying pan, in between each layer is sliced banana & a drizzle of real maple syrup, not that crap fake stuff. Topped off with the same...

I was so full after eating that, seriously should have shared it with someone!

It's Friday, It's Friday...

Thanks Ms Black...who is ever going to be able to say friday with out her stupid tune coming in their head!

Miss A has calmed down, home made low sals food are finally making her my calm daughter again :) I notice I yell at her much more when she's a "SillyCat"

Mr C is doing well on the soy challenge, which in turn has me in knots, being able to have soy opens up so much more in the way of G/F foods too him but soy scares me a little, I need to do more research I think. Will have to trial him on Soy yoghurt cause that was not good for him in the early days. I'm stoked that it looks like he's outgrowing something though. Wheat is still a big issue, he stole Miss A's crusts this morning, I can tell he has cause his face rashes up. He still denied it though, mind you what would he know, he's only 2 1/2.

A friend just linked me this blog to help be more patient yup...get more sleep would be a great one! I'll start that next thursday, but I can start on the drinking water one today :)

Wednesday night was going to be pizza night, but instead we decided to do meatballs pasta & "cheesy" sauce, CHEAP meal if you've ever seen on.

Meat balls are just meat, nothing else, nadda, just meat.
Pasta, well that's pretty obvious...just good old plain cheap pasta.

So so far you're up around $5-6 for the meat & maybe $.60c for the pasta?? Now bring on the sauce.

We use oil, you can use butter, but 1 TB,
then add a couple of cloves of garlic,
then add 1 TB of flour &
then 1 cup of milk, so a standard white sauce

...now this is the trick - making it cheesy...

add just under 1 teaspoon of salt. I'd start off adding 1/2 teaspoon & then adding more to taste, it seriously tastes like cheese!

For a dairy free person who LOVES macaroni cheese, this is a huge godsend. So a cheap fulling meal for a family of 4 for maybe $8, you can jazz it up by adding veges if you want or even putting it all in the oven.

Last night was sausages & chips, I think in future I'll get the butcher to make up sausages to my specifications & I'm not overly sure on his G/F mix. Plus Mr C after a couple of good days had a funny  bum again this morning.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Pizza Night!

Am studying at the moment so remembering to write a blog each night is being forgotten!

I've decided to soy challenge Mr C (did I say this already?) he's managed to drink 1ltrs in 2 days!!! far out! So far no real reactions although he did wake in the middle of the night last night & had a mudslide in his nappy this morning. We'll continue this for 10 days & see how he goes. Least at this stage from the sheer amount of soy milk he's had in the last 2 days he should be able to have soy products in foods which will make life a little easier.

I've been slack this week & haven't done a blackboard meal list. I did go shopping but only grabbed the basics like plain flour, sugar & apples that we'd run out of.

Last night was Steak, eggs & chips, tonight will be Pizza, need to do a stir-fry tomorrow night to get some vege's in the diet.

Mr C wanted a boiled egg for arvo tea, it's nice when they ask for something specific.

Miss A was in super melt down mode this morning, <sigh> day 2 of being away with her Grandparents, they over dose her on salicylates & we get to deal with the fall out! Calcium tablet administered before we went to school to help lessen the load on her body.

Monday 6 June 2011

What happened to 3 days!

Well Thursday nights Pizza was a hit, Miss A ate as much as I did, Mr C ate the mince/kidney beans.

Friday was a day off school for Miss A & far out can she eats so much at home compared to at school! She went away friday night for the long weekend with her Grandparents so no idea what she's been eating, will see how she is tonight I guess!

Went down to the "Pub" on Friday night, Mr C drew the numbers for the meat raffles & hilariously one of them went to one of our good friends so we ended up having beautiful fillet steak for dinner :) with chips & eggs off course.

And I bottled the Jam. Four jars cost me $4 for the fruit, $2 for the sugar, plus the pectin packet, so each jar probably works out around $2 way cheaper than bought brands plus you know exactly what's in it :)

Thursday 2 June 2011


So Mr C has blisters in the top of his throat, I'm sure it's his reflux back or is it something he's eaten??? His lips are red & a little bit swollen. I hate this as he's never asked to have issues with food :(

Anyway I didn't finish off yesterdays blog cause I didn't feed them dinner last night. They had "Fish n Chips" around at my Mum's place, home made & they know to keep him wheat free but will need to check just in case.

Tonight is now Pizza night! Miss A loves pizza & strangely loves the pizza I make over store bought ones. So I'll be making garlic mince on top of a scone dough base which is topped by kidney beans. Might do some chips but it's not really necessary.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Hump Day!!

And it's a gorgeous day to boot!!!

Yep, Mr C woke up last night crying, today he's been foul, bum is blistered again & his cheeks are rashed & red like a little fire engine! 

He's eaten well today though, Rice toast for breakfast plus a couple of bowls of the rice flakes. Lunch he had a bit of meat that we roasted the other night plus another piece of toast. 

Jam has been made :) Like everything else...so so simple. Just realised I didn't put it in the jars while it was still warm but it's ok cause I store it in the fridge.
Basically you take 2 large cans of fruit, we use pears cause it's low in salicyclates, drain off the juice, puree the fruit in a large sauce pan. Heat & add 750gm of sugar & teaspoon of citric acid, once the sugar has melted, add in one sachet of jamsetta & boil for 5 mins...that's it...easy as!

Jamsetta is found next to the preserving stuff in your supermarket, usually down the isle where containers are.

Didn't know what to give Miss A for morning tea today, whipped up a "mug cake" & gave her half...just left out the cocoa as that makes her "trip out"


Tuesday 31 May 2011

Shopping Day!

Far out, was every man & his dog at Pac n Save today!

So I went with a list...lets see how I did.. 

Gluten Flour
Maple Syrup Maple Syrup x 1
Rice Flour Rice Flour $3.40
Epsom Salts Epsom Salts x 1
Brown Sugar Brown Sugar x 1
Yeast Bread maker Yeast x 1
Spring Onions Spring Onions x 1
Garlic Garlic x 2
Frozen Beans Frozen Beans x 1
Oat Milk Oat Milk x 1 
Carrot Carrots x 4
Pectin/Jamestta Jamsetta x 1
Pears 2x 825 Pears x 5 (410)
Kidney Beans Kidney Beans x 1
Eggs Eggs x 30
Rice Noodles

Freedom Foods Rice Flakes = $3

Caster Sugar

Tissues x 1 = $1

Butter x 1

Choco Muffin = DOH

G/F Bread x 1

Swede x 1

Apples x 2.5kg

Frozen Peas x 1

 Ok so it's sorta lined up. Rice Noodles were made with pea flour, didn't really need to get them, so didn't. Unsure on pea flour for Mr C. Also didn't get Gluten Flour, we use it for bread & it does last a while but expensive at almost $8. I didn't get the sugar cause the price felt a little steep so will see if it's on special next week, I got caster sugar instead cause then I can make a sponge for Mr C.

My total supermarket bill came to $74.13 & then the $3.40 from the specialist shop for the rice flour which will last ages. To me this felt like a big shop.

I always forget to add things to my list & I think I had accidently deleted stuff off cause I'm sure I had put eggs on it. I could not, not get the freedom foods rice flakes, they're normally twice the price & am tempted to go back & get more if I'm going past as Mr C tried them & loved them, which is always a bonus when you are using G/F products.

See no junk (except my muffin, which was yuck) No fizzy, no sachet drinks, no biscuits, no chips, no prepackaged food, no bread. See what a difference it actually does make in price. Will take $10 to the market this weekend & get simple vege's. Also there is no meat which yes will bump up your bill, my meat per kilo works out about $6.25 which is for mince right up to sirloin steak :)

So as you can see from the Meal plan/weekly food page we're having S.E.C tonight (Steak/Eggs/Chips)

Agggghhhhhh Miss A didn't eat her scone at lunch today and left it out at home & Mr C got hold of it!!! I think he ate half...so not looking forward to those repercussions!

Monday 30 May 2011

Monday! Day before shopping day!

So today I was supposed to doing up my shopping list for tomorrow. I have been keeping a record of the things we run out of in my phone, decided to use my phone cause I don't very often forget to take it out with me, misplace it a lot at home but not out, so therefore will always have my list on me.

Poor Mr C can now tell me his bottom hurts, nasty rash, should take a picture for the paediatrians! So he's had a semi eating day today. Toast with marmite (not FS) for breakfast then he had toast with tomato sauce (again not FS) which reminds  me I need to make another batch of pear jam. 

Miss A also had toast for breakfast but only with butter. I gave her sandwiches for lunch plus some of the chocolate pudding I made for late night desert last night. We think that she's affected by cocoa...yep she was springing all over the place when I picked her up from school, couldn't sit still at home either even after ballet!! Parent interviews this week so I'll be asking what her behaviour is like, apparently she's gone down a maths group so will be following that one up! We haven't been very strict on her salicylate intake over the last 6 weeks & I think it's beginning to show in her school work :(
Anyway. Dinner was an eating success...
 Was suppose to be Sheppards pie but didn't have time to put it in the oven, so ended up being garlic mince, mashed potato & peas. Miss A ate it without a complaint & a huge amount too, Mr C, scoffed the peas & mince by himself, I decided to help him eat the mashed spud..he really doesn't like that stuff, not sure why! I got some into him anyway. He can have the left over spud for breakfast as potato cakes.
Garlic mince is easy peasy:
Couple of cloves of garlic, 
Spring onions or in this case we didn't have any so used leek
Saute that, remove from pan, brown mince, add back garlic & leek, thicken with cornflour & water, salt to taste...so so easy. Great base for heaps of recipes.

So tomorrow, I'm going to do my meal plan...go shopping & then come back & show you how much I've spent & what I buy.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Super Sundays!

Love lazy baking sundays. Not that I actually baked much LOL

Breakfast was toast, not sure I was sleeping in :)

Made scones, I use oil & make up my own baking powder as I get a metallic taste using commercial baking powders. Tried to make chickdemias or how ever it is spelt...epic fail :( Waste of a can of chickpeas.

Dinner was a hit, very simple.
1 small Leek
1 Spring Onion (ones with the straight ends not bulbed)
1 carrot
1 C cabbage
1 can of Kidney beans
salt to taste.
Brown rice & add everything else in, season to taste with salt.

Served on brown rice. 

Mr C picks out the kidney beans :( I was wondering if kidney beans is the reason my iron levels are so good??? Off to google.

Saturday 28 May 2011

It's the weekend!

Weekend eating always seems to fall apart!

Well Ricies are now off the menu cause Mr C tipped the whole packet over the ground! Luckily he'd already had breakfast. 

Sandwiches for lunch with a salami, no wheat so Mr C could eat it but it does have E250 which is sodium nitrate...we usually avoid the nitrate series of food additives. Will put the full list on the recipe page.

Now dinner was an interesting affair...not the actual food as that was just boring Sausages & chips from the takeaway shop...but afterwards Miss A ended up with a itchy rash on her chest, so was it the sausages or the chips?? 

I really need to make more of an effort in the weekend! Will start with tomorrow...maybe!

Friday 27 May 2011

And down.....

For every up there is a down <sigh>

Got woke super early by kids Mr C had the foulest nappy, so I guess those cookies weren't good for him :( I'll try them without the chocolate just incase it's that part. He's not good on cocoa/choco products.

I really need to take note of things earlier in the day, get to this time of day & the mind is a blank! 

After school snack, super simple waffles :)
1cup flour, 1 ts baking powder, 1 egg, 1 cup of milk or milk subsitute.
G/F version 1 egg, 3 TB G/F flour, 2 TB milk or subsitute. 
Just mix all the ingredients together. We have a waffle machine which has been worth it's weight in gold over the years!

Ahhh breakfast, ricies & pear syrup! plus toast with pear jam for both kids. Mr C had his wheat free version.

Not sure what dinner is going to be as it'll just be Mr C & I as everyone else is going to the rugby.

I unfortunately seem to be drinking copious amounts of coffee at the moment, certainly not FS, not sure why I'm bothering to drink it as I'm not feeling a caffeinee kick from it :(

Dinner was one of those quick simple fixes as the Hubby & Miss A were off to the rugby!

Mock cheesy pasta
Pasta obviously, what ever kind you want, we have to cook 2 lots, one wholemeal & the other Rice /Quinoa for Mr C
Sauce is a basic white sauce:
TB oil,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
TB G/F flour ( or normal flour),
1 cup of milk or substitute,
Salt to taste approx a teaspoon will give a cheesy taste, over do it & you get a salty taste.
We also add bacon or chicken or what ever meat you feel like. Tonight was bacon, we don't have an issue with Amines or if one of us does we haven't figured it out yet.

So again eating from the simple ingredients in our cupboard, my cheap sauce saves us a good $3-5 dollars? We tend to eat this once a week so that's a saving of $18ish over a month!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Parental issues

My parents took a long while to come around to the reason why we've chosen to eat the way we eat. They did feel that by not allowing additives & preservatives in our foods and also limiting the types of fruits and vegetables that we eat we were going to do ourselves some harm. 

We do not use any packaged, ready made food products. We make the majority of our food from raw ingredients. 

Yep..way more time consuming, you can't just pull a frozen pizza out or dump a can of tomato sauce stuff on mince & pasta.

We now in reality use far more vegetables that we ever used. I was pleasantly surprised about this. Vege's used to go mouldy or I'd  not waste money buying them! 

We only use salt for seasoning, I know exactly how much salt is in our diet...bet they couldn't tell as it's in copious amounts hidden in all those packaged foods. 

Yes we limit the fruit our kids get & the type they get. I do this for a reason, they end up silly, noisy, hyperactive annoying little so-n-so's, this is what happens to my kids, not all kids are like this but mine are. Miss A especially! My parents still do though feed her up on fruit, they're too scared to feed Mr C, and while she's great for them, we get left with the fall out basically 4 hours later, but we now have strategies for dealing with that.

I've just recently had blood tests & yes while I fall off the bandwagon reasonably often, 95% of the time I eat failsafe. My iron & iron stores were fantastic, I was amazed by this as the women in our family suffer thyroid issues & end up taking iodine suppliments so me at 35 with great iron stores is doing really well.

The main reason we are doing well nutritionally is because in using raw ingredients & avoiding nasty additives & preservatives we are allowing our bodies to utilise more of the nutrients that are contained in our foods.

I can't recall the last time I got sick, Miss A has not had any major time off school, Mr C with all his intolerance issues has not been sick either other than being mildly under the weather at times. 

Another bonus is we no longer have meal time battles!

My parents have mostly come around to the way we eat. They understand when we need to tighten up on the kids food intake & ask us what they can eat. I've found it far easier with them sticking to what I say with regards Mr C as they can see physical repercussions rather than just behavioural changes that Miss A has. 

We have now been using this diet as the plan on the way we eat for over 2 years now so it's becoming more of a way of life.

Good eating day!

It's great when we've had a great eating day with Mr C, make life a lot easier.

He's had Ricies for breakfast...Sanitarium as Pams were affecting his rashes, then rice bread (soy Flour) with homemade pear jam. 
Morning tea was Cornflour sponge, now this is a G/F hit! and pear slices.
Lunch was Rice & Quinoa pasta, chicken from dinner the other night, another piece of cornflour sponge & Cashew butter cookies.

Will post recipes on the recipe page later. 

So updating to add in our evening meal.

Egg & Vege Stirfry.

Simple as & super quick.

4 cups of vege's cut to around the same size, we had pumpkin, Choko , Leek, spring onion, green cabbage & red cabbage. Stirfry these but make sure they're still crunchy, pull to the edges of your frying pan & put in 3-4 slightly beaten eggs, cook that & when almost done mix through the veges, serve on rice or noodles. We used noodles.

Hubby was still a bit hungry later on so finished off the chicken from the other night.  Mr C refused as I expected he would but he ate a huge amount for him during the day. He is on neocate so I don't have to worry about his nutrition too much.

Wednesday 25 May 2011


The hubby just text to say he's cooking & feels like Hamburgers! I was going to do home-made pizza but he can cook :)

So we'll be using:
Home-made bread toasted (left overs so would probably get thrown to the birds)
Mince ( bought off the farm so maybe $3)
Lettuce from the garden (been in for a few months so free)
Fried leeks, this is in place of frying onions. $1.49 from supermarket or $1 from markets, the ones I'm using this week are from a friend so Free. Didn't have these in the end.
and I'll be making home-made chips from a couple of potatoes $5 for a 5kg bag so only a few cents!

In all a very cheap meal. 

Ohhh And chopping wood tonight I noticed some MASSIVE cooking apples hanging over my fence so I might do up a apple crumble again. Will take a photo, they are seriously huge!
Yep that is a standard can of pears!

The lamest blog in the world

I really wanted to call this "The lamest Blog in the world" Sung with the tune from Jack Blacks "Greatest Song in the world"

& on that note, I'm going to stare into my pantry wishing food to appear...I only have "ingredients" <sigh>


Why am I blogging??

Well I need to do a food diary for Mr C, this way it's written down for others to see & then hopefully they can help guide us in sorting out this kids diet! Plus we'll be able to see what is tripping up Miss A.

Another reason is we eat pretty cheaply approx $80-100 a week so will post recipes we use for dinner ideas for those stuck.

We follow the "Failsafe" food diet and our bible is Sue Dengates "Fed Up Cook Book". I tripped over this one day at a library as the title of a book jumped out at me "Fed up with ADHD". I thought that looks interesting, so picked it up & started to read, I was horrified that my darling daughter was exhibiting ADHD behaviours! Not as extreme as in the book but certainly noticable! She couldn't remember words in her reading books from one page to the next, she had all these silly behaviours & sounds that drove me insane! Meal times were a constant battle, she had melt downs... the small bit I read while I was in the library was enough for me to get the book out & devour it from cover to cover. The next day I went out & bought the cook book. Withdrawals from food were awful, trying to figure what to eat was tough but we're now in the swing of it & have noticed huge behavioural changes & now when we get those behaviours back we know she's gone over her tolerance levels & need to "fix" her again.

Then enter the boy child! So far he's wheat & dairy intolerance. Non- IgE allergic, just like Me! He eats bugger all & each day is like a yoyo!

Will fill in more as we go along, that's enough background for now!