Friday 10 June 2011


We had the best dinner tonight!!

Chicken vegetable stirfry on rice.

Plus I think I understand the raw food movement now. I tried swede raw only because I read somewhere that someone ate turnip raw cause they lived in the Sth Island, so I thought I'd try the tastes nutty & is really really nice! Gave some to Miss A raw & she agreed they tasted like peanut butter! So of course after avoiding it for a long while scoffed it!

Our stirfry had vege's all from the fridge that I bought ages ago. Chop them all into roughly the same size pieces.
Spring Onion & Leek
Green & Red cabbage

What we did - Cooked chicken separately with oil & garlic, knowing hubby that would be a fair amount of garlic!
Put the chicken on the side or into of the rice maker which was staying warm. Use same pan to stirfry the hard veges, first until just tender & then add the leafy stuff. Cook & serve :) YUMMO

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