Monday 30 May 2011

Monday! Day before shopping day!

So today I was supposed to doing up my shopping list for tomorrow. I have been keeping a record of the things we run out of in my phone, decided to use my phone cause I don't very often forget to take it out with me, misplace it a lot at home but not out, so therefore will always have my list on me.

Poor Mr C can now tell me his bottom hurts, nasty rash, should take a picture for the paediatrians! So he's had a semi eating day today. Toast with marmite (not FS) for breakfast then he had toast with tomato sauce (again not FS) which reminds  me I need to make another batch of pear jam. 

Miss A also had toast for breakfast but only with butter. I gave her sandwiches for lunch plus some of the chocolate pudding I made for late night desert last night. We think that she's affected by cocoa...yep she was springing all over the place when I picked her up from school, couldn't sit still at home either even after ballet!! Parent interviews this week so I'll be asking what her behaviour is like, apparently she's gone down a maths group so will be following that one up! We haven't been very strict on her salicylate intake over the last 6 weeks & I think it's beginning to show in her school work :(
Anyway. Dinner was an eating success...
 Was suppose to be Sheppards pie but didn't have time to put it in the oven, so ended up being garlic mince, mashed potato & peas. Miss A ate it without a complaint & a huge amount too, Mr C, scoffed the peas & mince by himself, I decided to help him eat the mashed spud..he really doesn't like that stuff, not sure why! I got some into him anyway. He can have the left over spud for breakfast as potato cakes.
Garlic mince is easy peasy:
Couple of cloves of garlic, 
Spring onions or in this case we didn't have any so used leek
Saute that, remove from pan, brown mince, add back garlic & leek, thicken with cornflour & water, salt to so easy. Great base for heaps of recipes.

So tomorrow, I'm going to do my meal plan...go shopping & then come back & show you how much I've spent & what I buy.

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