Thursday 26 May 2011

Parental issues

My parents took a long while to come around to the reason why we've chosen to eat the way we eat. They did feel that by not allowing additives & preservatives in our foods and also limiting the types of fruits and vegetables that we eat we were going to do ourselves some harm. 

We do not use any packaged, ready made food products. We make the majority of our food from raw ingredients. 

Yep..way more time consuming, you can't just pull a frozen pizza out or dump a can of tomato sauce stuff on mince & pasta.

We now in reality use far more vegetables that we ever used. I was pleasantly surprised about this. Vege's used to go mouldy or I'd  not waste money buying them! 

We only use salt for seasoning, I know exactly how much salt is in our they couldn't tell as it's in copious amounts hidden in all those packaged foods. 

Yes we limit the fruit our kids get & the type they get. I do this for a reason, they end up silly, noisy, hyperactive annoying little so-n-so's, this is what happens to my kids, not all kids are like this but mine are. Miss A especially! My parents still do though feed her up on fruit, they're too scared to feed Mr C, and while she's great for them, we get left with the fall out basically 4 hours later, but we now have strategies for dealing with that.

I've just recently had blood tests & yes while I fall off the bandwagon reasonably often, 95% of the time I eat failsafe. My iron & iron stores were fantastic, I was amazed by this as the women in our family suffer thyroid issues & end up taking iodine suppliments so me at 35 with great iron stores is doing really well.

The main reason we are doing well nutritionally is because in using raw ingredients & avoiding nasty additives & preservatives we are allowing our bodies to utilise more of the nutrients that are contained in our foods.

I can't recall the last time I got sick, Miss A has not had any major time off school, Mr C with all his intolerance issues has not been sick either other than being mildly under the weather at times. 

Another bonus is we no longer have meal time battles!

My parents have mostly come around to the way we eat. They understand when we need to tighten up on the kids food intake & ask us what they can eat. I've found it far easier with them sticking to what I say with regards Mr C as they can see physical repercussions rather than just behavioural changes that Miss A has. 

We have now been using this diet as the plan on the way we eat for over 2 years now so it's becoming more of a way of life.

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