Wednesday 25 May 2011


The hubby just text to say he's cooking & feels like Hamburgers! I was going to do home-made pizza but he can cook :)

So we'll be using:
Home-made bread toasted (left overs so would probably get thrown to the birds)
Mince ( bought off the farm so maybe $3)
Lettuce from the garden (been in for a few months so free)
Fried leeks, this is in place of frying onions. $1.49 from supermarket or $1 from markets, the ones I'm using this week are from a friend so Free. Didn't have these in the end.
and I'll be making home-made chips from a couple of potatoes $5 for a 5kg bag so only a few cents!

In all a very cheap meal. 

Ohhh And chopping wood tonight I noticed some MASSIVE cooking apples hanging over my fence so I might do up a apple crumble again. Will take a photo, they are seriously huge!
Yep that is a standard can of pears!

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