Tuesday 31 May 2011

Shopping Day!

Far out, was every man & his dog at Pac n Save today!

So I went with a list...lets see how I did.. 

Gluten Flour
Maple Syrup Maple Syrup x 1
Rice Flour Rice Flour $3.40
Epsom Salts Epsom Salts x 1
Brown Sugar Brown Sugar x 1
Yeast Bread maker Yeast x 1
Spring Onions Spring Onions x 1
Garlic Garlic x 2
Frozen Beans Frozen Beans x 1
Oat Milk Oat Milk x 1 
Carrot Carrots x 4
Pectin/Jamestta Jamsetta x 1
Pears 2x 825 Pears x 5 (410)
Kidney Beans Kidney Beans x 1
Eggs Eggs x 30
Rice Noodles

Freedom Foods Rice Flakes = $3

Caster Sugar

Tissues x 1 = $1

Butter x 1

Choco Muffin = DOH

G/F Bread x 1

Swede x 1

Apples x 2.5kg

Frozen Peas x 1

 Ok so it's sorta lined up. Rice Noodles were made with pea flour, didn't really need to get them, so didn't. Unsure on pea flour for Mr C. Also didn't get Gluten Flour, we use it for bread & it does last a while but expensive at almost $8. I didn't get the sugar cause the price felt a little steep so will see if it's on special next week, I got caster sugar instead cause then I can make a sponge for Mr C.

My total supermarket bill came to $74.13 & then the $3.40 from the specialist shop for the rice flour which will last ages. To me this felt like a big shop.

I always forget to add things to my list & I think I had accidently deleted stuff off cause I'm sure I had put eggs on it. I could not, not get the freedom foods rice flakes, they're normally twice the price & am tempted to go back & get more if I'm going past as Mr C tried them & loved them, which is always a bonus when you are using G/F products.

See no junk (except my muffin, which was yuck) No fizzy, no sachet drinks, no biscuits, no chips, no prepackaged food, no bread. See what a difference it actually does make in price. Will take $10 to the market this weekend & get simple vege's. Also there is no meat which yes will bump up your bill, my meat per kilo works out about $6.25 which is for mince right up to sirloin steak :)

So as you can see from the Meal plan/weekly food page we're having S.E.C tonight (Steak/Eggs/Chips)

Agggghhhhhh Miss A didn't eat her scone at lunch today and left it out at home & Mr C got hold of it!!! I think he ate half...so not looking forward to those repercussions!

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