Friday 10 June 2011

It's Friday, It's Friday...

Thanks Ms Black...who is ever going to be able to say friday with out her stupid tune coming in their head!

Miss A has calmed down, home made low sals food are finally making her my calm daughter again :) I notice I yell at her much more when she's a "SillyCat"

Mr C is doing well on the soy challenge, which in turn has me in knots, being able to have soy opens up so much more in the way of G/F foods too him but soy scares me a little, I need to do more research I think. Will have to trial him on Soy yoghurt cause that was not good for him in the early days. I'm stoked that it looks like he's outgrowing something though. Wheat is still a big issue, he stole Miss A's crusts this morning, I can tell he has cause his face rashes up. He still denied it though, mind you what would he know, he's only 2 1/2.

A friend just linked me this blog to help be more patient yup...get more sleep would be a great one! I'll start that next thursday, but I can start on the drinking water one today :)

Wednesday night was going to be pizza night, but instead we decided to do meatballs pasta & "cheesy" sauce, CHEAP meal if you've ever seen on.

Meat balls are just meat, nothing else, nadda, just meat.
Pasta, well that's pretty obvious...just good old plain cheap pasta.

So so far you're up around $5-6 for the meat & maybe $.60c for the pasta?? Now bring on the sauce.

We use oil, you can use butter, but 1 TB,
then add a couple of cloves of garlic,
then add 1 TB of flour &
then 1 cup of milk, so a standard white sauce this is the trick - making it cheesy...

add just under 1 teaspoon of salt. I'd start off adding 1/2 teaspoon & then adding more to taste, it seriously tastes like cheese!

For a dairy free person who LOVES macaroni cheese, this is a huge godsend. So a cheap fulling meal for a family of 4 for maybe $8, you can jazz it up by adding veges if you want or even putting it all in the oven.

Last night was sausages & chips, I think in future I'll get the butcher to make up sausages to my specifications & I'm not overly sure on his G/F mix. Plus Mr C after a couple of good days had a funny  bum again this morning.

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