Wednesday 25 May 2011


Why am I blogging??

Well I need to do a food diary for Mr C, this way it's written down for others to see & then hopefully they can help guide us in sorting out this kids diet! Plus we'll be able to see what is tripping up Miss A.

Another reason is we eat pretty cheaply approx $80-100 a week so will post recipes we use for dinner ideas for those stuck.

We follow the "Failsafe" food diet and our bible is Sue Dengates "Fed Up Cook Book". I tripped over this one day at a library as the title of a book jumped out at me "Fed up with ADHD". I thought that looks interesting, so picked it up & started to read, I was horrified that my darling daughter was exhibiting ADHD behaviours! Not as extreme as in the book but certainly noticable! She couldn't remember words in her reading books from one page to the next, she had all these silly behaviours & sounds that drove me insane! Meal times were a constant battle, she had melt downs... the small bit I read while I was in the library was enough for me to get the book out & devour it from cover to cover. The next day I went out & bought the cook book. Withdrawals from food were awful, trying to figure what to eat was tough but we're now in the swing of it & have noticed huge behavioural changes & now when we get those behaviours back we know she's gone over her tolerance levels & need to "fix" her again.

Then enter the boy child! So far he's wheat & dairy intolerance. Non- IgE allergic, just like Me! He eats bugger all & each day is like a yoyo!

Will fill in more as we go along, that's enough background for now!

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