Monday 6 June 2011

What happened to 3 days!

Well Thursday nights Pizza was a hit, Miss A ate as much as I did, Mr C ate the mince/kidney beans.

Friday was a day off school for Miss A & far out can she eats so much at home compared to at school! She went away friday night for the long weekend with her Grandparents so no idea what she's been eating, will see how she is tonight I guess!

Went down to the "Pub" on Friday night, Mr C drew the numbers for the meat raffles & hilariously one of them went to one of our good friends so we ended up having beautiful fillet steak for dinner :) with chips & eggs off course.

And I bottled the Jam. Four jars cost me $4 for the fruit, $2 for the sugar, plus the pectin packet, so each jar probably works out around $2 way cheaper than bought brands plus you know exactly what's in it :)

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