Wednesday 8 June 2011

Pizza Night!

Am studying at the moment so remembering to write a blog each night is being forgotten!

I've decided to soy challenge Mr C (did I say this already?) he's managed to drink 1ltrs in 2 days!!! far out! So far no real reactions although he did wake in the middle of the night last night & had a mudslide in his nappy this morning. We'll continue this for 10 days & see how he goes. Least at this stage from the sheer amount of soy milk he's had in the last 2 days he should be able to have soy products in foods which will make life a little easier.

I've been slack this week & haven't done a blackboard meal list. I did go shopping but only grabbed the basics like plain flour, sugar & apples that we'd run out of.

Last night was Steak, eggs & chips, tonight will be Pizza, need to do a stir-fry tomorrow night to get some vege's in the diet.

Mr C wanted a boiled egg for arvo tea, it's nice when they ask for something specific.

Miss A was in super melt down mode this morning, <sigh> day 2 of being away with her Grandparents, they over dose her on salicylates & we get to deal with the fall out! Calcium tablet administered before we went to school to help lessen the load on her body.

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